The Current Occupation of John Hart from Havertown, PA

John Hart is currently the Senior Vice-President of Business Development and Legal Operations at Elite Solutions Group, LLC. This company has worked with dozens of clients not only in Havertown but across the country. 
John Hart Havertown, PA
John Hart Havertown, PA
John Hart from Havertown, PA supports the company’s key business objectives by focusing on the needs of his clients and providing outsourced legal support in areas such as legal research, litigation support, drafting motions and pleadings, appellate brief writing, contracts management, and legal compliance. Specifically, John provides both analytical and strategic support to both private law practices and private communication firms by using his extensive and detailed skills in law and business that he has gained throughout the years. 
John Hart Havertown, PA
John Hart Havertown, PA
Due to his hard work and dedication to law and business, John Hart from Havertown, PA remains a valuable asset to Elite Solutions Group, LLC.


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